Free Download DNV Sesam Ceetron Xtract 6.2-03 | 121.6 mb
DNV, the world-leading provider of software for managing risk and improving asset performance in the energy, process and maritime industries, has releasedSesam Ceetron Xtract 6.2-03is offers you flexible and extensive visualization and post-processing options for finite element models and analysis results.
Reasons for update to version 6.2-03 (13-Mar-2024)
New feature:
– 142032"List Applied Loads" for analysis verification
– 490809Performance improvement for "Result | List Result", "List | Applied Load" for efficient handling of large-size result files
– 450726 [Xtract Viewer] Support new VTFx format
– 32294 [Result Setting] New set of contour legends for various ways of colour contour representation
– 217833 [Set] Create set of all elements in regular plane with coordinate input
– 395630 [Visualization] Option to change colour of load vector for applied load
Other modification:
– 32118 Store options/settings, and restoring when re-open Xtract (Mesh color, Isometric or perspective view, Show Boundary, Show Super Nodes, Show Linear dependent, Show Mesh, Show as Surface|Lines|Points|Outline|Hidden lines)
– 395244List model data for "Element" should list "Node number", not nodal coordinates
– 444372 [License] Provide path information of the license error log file (#.mlg), when license error happens
– 467952 sability Change default setting of display setting (Show Mesh, Show Boundary, Show Supernodes, Show Linear dependent noes)
Bug Fix:
– 471835 Low performance for result-case animation in Xtract 6.1
– 549697 Magnitude of the pressure in complex result is not correct in 6.1 version
xDNV Sesam Ceetron Xtract 6.2-03
DNV Sesamsoftware package is recognized as one the most advanced and comprehensive software systems for structural and hydrodynamic analysis available to the offshore and maritime industry.
In 1999, DNV Software and Ceetron AS started a joint collaboration to develop a customized post-processor for Sesam based on Ceetron’s CAE visualization components. The objective was to offer to the market a high-performance general-purpose model and results visualization program for animation and presentation of results from various hydrodynamic- and static/dynamic structural analyses. The new software was named Sesam Xtract and replaced Sesam Viewer and Sesam Postfem. The first GA release took place in September 2000 and the product has since been updated on a yearly basis and is the main desktop visualization application in the Sesam suite.
Xtractis the model and results visualisation program of Sesam. It offers general-purpose features for extracting, further processing, displaying, tabulating, and animating results from static and dynamic structural analysis as well as results from various types of hydrodynamic analysis. Its intuitive and high-performance 3D graphics enables easy and efficient interactive rotation,
zooming and panning of the model with results. The user interface operations are logged (journaled) as command equivalents. This log may be edited and used as input to a new session for automated extraction and presentation of results.
The World of Sesam
DNV GLis the world-leading provider of software for a safer, smarter and greener future in the energy, process and maritime industries. Our solutions support a variety of business critical activities including design and engineering, risk assessment, asset integrity and optimization, QHSE, and ship management. Nearly 50 years of developing quality software In providing your business with the best software solutions we are always striving to live up to our values.
Owner:DNV GL
Product Name:Sesam Ceetron Xtract
Supported Architectures:x64
Website Home Page :www.ceetronsolutions.com
Languages Supported:english
System Requirements:Windows *
Size:121.6 mb
xDNV Sesam Ceetron Xtract 6.2-03
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xDNV Sesam Ceetron Xtract 6.2-03
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