Free Download Music player – pro version v6.1 | Android | 13.27 MB
Mp3 Player (Music Player) for Android Devices with stunning design.
"Music player" – A simple and beautiful Music player with a powerful equalizer for your Android device.
Mp3 player – free music player app, the best
Supported music files: MP3, MP4, WAV, MO3, M4A
Mp3 Player is the best music player and audio player!
It is one of the Best Music player with a stylish UI design.
This is just a Free Music player, not a music downloader. It’s playing off-line music.
* Widget support helps to play songs directly from the widget without opening the App.
* Browse songs in 6 different ways (Playlist, Genre, folder, Artist, Album and songs).
* Play songs directly from folder inside the App.
* Select from multiple themes.
* Create new playlists as per your need.
* Set Sleep timer to stop the App after a defined time to save battery.
* Remove small clips.
* 5-band equalizer with powerful bass and virtualizer.
* Set any song as ringtone from the music player.
* Play selective songs in the way you want by adding songs to queue through Add to Queue feature.
* Share the track you are currently listening on social media.
* Available in 60 different languages (English, Hindi, German, French, Chinese etc.).
* Lock screen controls with Full Screen Album Art.
* Cut music to make your own ringtone (MP3 Cutter)
System Requirements:
Requirements: Android 5.0+
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