Free Download Sci Ed Clone Manager 12.1 (x64) | 18.4 Mb
Clone Manager Professional provides a comprehensive, fully integrated set of tools for enzyme operations, cloning simulation, graphic map drawing, primer design and analysis, global and local sequence alignments, similarity searches, and laboratory-sized sequence assembly projects.
You can also use Clone Manager as a quick and easy way to view or edit sequence files, find open reading frames, translate genes, find genes or text in files, or use primer or sequence phrase collections.
Molecule Viewer
View: Map, Restriction Map, Sequence, Features and Info
Add, and edit, molecule sequence, features and annotations
Customize display styles for features
Create Enhanced views for publication
Discovery and Tools
Search files for information
Find sequence phrases
Find primers that bind
Submit Blast search to NCBI
Invert, Rotate or Translate a molecule
Sequence analysis functions
Search for ORFs, Repeats or Dyad symmetries
Cloning Operations
Simulate cloning: cut, ligate and join
Work with enzymes
Cloning wizards: Gateway, Gibson, In-Fusion, NEBuilder, Topoisomerase, Golden Gate, Crispr knockout, PCR and others
Primer Design, Analysis
Design primers, create amplified products
Analyze primers, analyze mixes
Find primers that bind to your molecule
Organize, use primers in collections
Alignment Operations
Align multiple sequences
Compare two sequences
Layout method shows rearrangements and inversions
Scan for similarities, BLAST searches
Assemble sequences, locate subclones
Annotate alignments with features
Other Features
Integrated sequence editor and file handler
Extensive sequence formatting options
Sequence phrase collections, primer collections, built-in DataBook database
Share molecules using cloud storage services
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