Free Download Stardock Deskscapes 11.0 | 142.3 Mb
Personalize your desktop background with animated pictures and video.
Turn your static desktop into a vibrant canvas.
Turn your static desktop into an animated work of art.
DeskScapes makes it easy to animate your desktop
Turn any image or video into a background for your PC.
Bring images to life
Enhance static photos with over 60 special effects.
Creativity made easy with all the tools you need.
Create your own background or browse user-generated designs.
DreamMaker Pro is Included
DreamMaker Pro is a powerful tool that makes animating backgrounds easy.
Easy to find and easy to share
Browse the expansive user-generated catalog and share your designs with the community.
Organize your creations with an intuitive interface.
DeskScapes 11 makes it easy to manage your backgrounds.
Create playlists of your favorite backgrounds
Can’t choose a favorite background? Create a playlist to cycle through your favorite designs.
Organized to perfection
Never lose another wallpaper again as DeskScapes 11 makes it easy organize your backgrounds.
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